Sunday 29 December 2019

Top 5 Most Viewed Find Out About Plastic Blog Posts in 2019

We are close to the end of the year 2019 and in this post I will present you the top 5 most watched blog posts of 2019.

Starting from highest to lowest rank:

1. High Performance Polymers in Electrification: A Must-Have Or A Nice-To-Have (Part 1: Introduction and Battery Systems)
2. My Material Insights From The K Fair 2019
3. High Performance Polymers in Electrification: A Must-Have Or A Nice-To-Have (Part 3: Autonomous Driving)
4. Ranking of Thermoplastics [Infographic]
5. Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) – The Conquering of Electric Car Parts

In 2020, I will continue to present posts which evolve around 4 main categories:
- High performance plastics (incl. high heat)
- Material selection
- Digitalization of the plastics industry
- Automotive applications (electric, fuel cell and internal combustion engine).

I’m looking forward to 2020 which will be filled with fresh topics from the world of polymers.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all readers of my posts!!!

I hope to welcome you next year again.
Thank you and Best regards,

Herwig Juster

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Friday 13 December 2019

30 Publicly Traded Materials Stocks - 2019 Performance and Outlook

In this post we have a look at 30 publicly traded material stocks and their allover performance in 2019.

21 out of the 30 stocks could make gains for their shareholders (date of estimation: 12.12.2019). The remaining nine corporations look forward to more sunshine in the year 2020.

Reuters Events industry report presented that on the one hand resin demand continuous to grow and on the other hand petrochemical companies feel pressure caused by slowing economic growth outlook, US-China trade war and the sudden rage against plastics.

Further, in 2020 new polyethylene resin capacity in the US will go online and could lead to an oversupply in the market. This will keep the resin prices down and puts even more pressure on the margins.

However, in the long-term perspective, plastics industry counts with a yearly polyolefin market growth of 3 to 4% per year. World population is growing and access to clean water over piping system is in high demand, as well as medical care products and electronics.

Thanks for reading & till next time!
Herwig Juster

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Friday 29 November 2019

Polymerization Plants: How to Calculate Capital Expenses Using the “0.6 Rule”

In this blog post we discuss how to estimate the investment needed to expand an existing capacity of a polymerization plant.

Basic investment concept is the economy of scale which says that the relationship of scale to investment is not linear.

It behaves in an exponential way. This is shown by the mathematical relationship formula below:

The equation has an exponent which is called the “Lang Factor”. It varies depending on the plant size you would like to realize. For a full plant expansion, the Lang Factor varies typically between 0.6 and 0.7.

In chemical engineering this exponential relationship is called the “0.6 rule” or “six-tenths rule”. For better illustration of the equation the following example of a polyethylene (PE) plant expansion is considered.

The old plant has a capacity of 1 million metric tons PE and the new plant should have 2 million metric tons capacity. Original investment was 1 billion Euros.

How much capital investment is needed to double the production capacity?

1.57 billion Euros are needed.

This is an increase of 57% in capital needed to double the capacity. There are other factors such as inflation which needs to be considered too.

Altogether, it is a useful tool for a first estimation of capital costs.

Thanks for reading & till next time!

Herwig Juster

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Literature: [1] Nexant Training:

Tuesday 26 November 2019

The Future is Now: Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications

In recent years, functional polymers got more and more attention, especially from the robotics world. In this blog post, we are going to review the basic concepts of active polymers and make a deep dive into electroactive polymers used in robotic applications.

What are active polymers?

In general, there are non-electrically deformable polymers (NDPs) and electroactive polymers (EAPs). NDPs are actuated by non-electric stimuli such as pH, UV light exposure, or temperature changes. EAPs are actuated by an electric stimulus. EAPs can be divided into two different classes: electronic EAPs (changes by an applied electric field) and ionic EAPs (changes due to diffusion of ions). Major differences between electronic and ionic EAPs. Electronic EAPs need high activation fields (>150 V/µm) and these high values are close to the maximum voltage required to electrically breakdown electronic EAPs. In general, breakdown strength is the maximum dielectric strength of a given material. Furthermore, electronic EAPs can hold a certain deformation upon triggering through a DC voltage. This particular property makes them highly interesting for robotic applications. Electronic EAPs can operate under standard atmospheric conditions and have a fast response time in range of milliseconds upon triggering. Ionic EAPs need a low activation voltage of usually 1 - 5 V to obtain actuation movements. Actuation forces in ionic EAPs are lower compared to electronic EAPs and the response is also considerably slower. Hydrolysis is a concern when operating in aqueous systems. Looking at the deformation mechanism, it is more similar to a muscle deformation. Bending is the main movement of ionic EAPs. The major downside of ionic EPAs is that operation should be either carried in wet environment, or in solid electrolytes. Overall, movements such as bending, stretching, or contracting can be achieved by both, electric and ionic polymers.

Major differences between electronic and ionic EAPs

Electronic EAPs need high activation fields (>150 V/µm) and these high values are close to the maximum voltage required to electrically breakdown electronic EAPs. In general, breakdown strength is the maximum dielectric strength of a given material. Furthermore, electronic EAPs can hold a certain deformation upon triggering through a DC voltage. This particular property makes them highly interesting for robotic applications. Electronic EAPs can operate under standard atmospheric conditions and have a fast response time in range of milliseconds upon triggering. Ionic EAPs need a low activation voltage of usually 1 - 5 V to obtain actuation movements. Actuation forces in ionic EAPs are lower compared to electronic EAPs and the response is also considerably slower. Hydrolysis is a concern when operating in aqueous systems. Looking at the deformation mechanism, it is more similar to a muscle deformation. Bending is the main movement of ionic EAPs. The major downside of ionic EPAs is that operation should be either carried in wet environment, or in solid electrolytes. Overall, movements such as bending, stretching, or contracting can be achieved by both, electric and ionic polymers.

EAPs and robotic applications

In recent years, robotic applications have been increasing and the mechanical as well as electrical functionality of robotic hardware have difficulties to keep up with this fast application development. With the introduction of EAPs into the robotics world, this is about to change. One motivation to use EAPs is for straight-line motions. Such kinds of motions are difficult to make without a complex powertrain behind. Robots which are equipped with several powertrains to make different kind of movements become bulky. This reduces the chance of sending such robots on sensitive missions. Partial removing of powertrains can lead to better energy efficiency too. EAPs are inherently flexible and allow applications in the field of biomimetic machines. In nature, animals have soft and smooth actuation members (e.g. hands and fingers). It is aimed to imitate such soft actuators in robotics as well. Among EAPs, piezoelectric polymers are more and more in use for actuators. Piezoelectric (mechanical stress generates an electric field) polymers use Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)). The high electronegativity of fluorine atoms creates local dipoles (separation of the positive and negative charges) on the polymer backbone. As a consequence, polarized domains are formed by the local dipoles, together with an alignment in the electric field. In general, (P(VDF-TrFE)) copolymers have a Young’s modulus of up to 10 GPa, allowing high mechanical energy densities. Electrostatic strains of up to 2% can be obtained applying a large electric field (~200 MV/m). Apart of robotic actuators, piezoelectric polymers are used in force/pressure sensors, loudspeakers, piezo switches and printed memory applications. One application example is a button made out of a material called Solvene® (Solvay S.A.), where mechanical stresses lead to an electrical field which can be detected. This is shown below in the Youtube-video.

We will see more and more commercial robotic applications using EAPs. Apart of robotics, sensor functions in automotive can be taken over by such polymers from wheel condition monitoring to steering wheel motion monitoring.

Thanks for reading & till next time!
Herwig Juster

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[1] Kim et al.: Electroactive Polymers for Robotic Applications, Springer

Thursday 31 October 2019

Fluoropolymers As Enabler For Megatrends: From Resource Efficiency To Digitalization

The world of fluoropolymers is versatile and fluoropolymers can be seen as an enabler to support the realization of the so-called megatrends. This is the main topic of this blog post.

The base of fluoropolymers are monomers such as tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), hexafluoropropylene (HFP), and vinylidene fluoride (VDF) which can be synthesized from the raw material fluorspar. Using the monomers, polymerization to polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), and fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) can be done.

In 2015, 270,000 metric tons of fluoropolymers were consumed worldwide. Altogether, the world of fluoropolymers can be divided into three major pillars: PTFE, fluorothermoplastics, and fluoroelastomers. PTFE represents with 140,000 metric tons the largest part (52%), followed by PVDF with 41,000 metric tons (15%) and on third place is FEP with 22,500 metric tons (8%). Smaller positions are occupied by ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE), 8,400 metric tons (3%), and fluoroelastomers (FKM), which account for 31,000 metric tons (12%).

There are several megatrends which result in economic, social, and environmental shifts. Understanding megatrends and how to incorporate fluoropolymers as a material enabler will result in better allover results in the long run. Following, are some examples on how fluoropolymers can support to solve challenges ahead of us.

Resource limitation: a major topic in chemical industry is the extension of a plant’s lifetime. Using fluoropolymers for corrosion protection, especially in reactor-, mounting-, and pipelining can be seen as positive step to battle this challenge. Going further, you can design even an all-fluoropolymer reactor to increase the productivity of your reaction. Plastics industry is also investigating ways of up-cycling end-of-life products, including but not limited to fluoropolymers.

Digitalization: data transfer and data storage are major topics in the internet of things (IoT). We want to have smaller overall designs and improved performance of high frequency components. Using fully fluorinated polymers, better insulation with thinner insulation layers at higher frequencies is possible. Furthermore, non-flammable indoor high frequency (LAN) cables are needed and those cables take advantage of the flame retardant property of fluorine chemistry.

Transport changes: in automotive, we have more stringent CO2 reduction needs (Euro Six Norm) combined with reduced consumption of gasoline. Therefore, more sensors are placed on several positions in the exhaust gas flow. Using fluoroelastomers as sealing materials allows us to have a compression set at temperatures up to 280°C, which guarantees proper sealing of the sensor housings. In the field of car electrification, PVDF is a key enabler in battery technology. PVDF is used as cathode binder, separator coating, and anode binder. PFA and FKM can be used as cell gasket sealing materials as well.

Aging population: there will be increasing demand for medical devices and fluoropolymers can provide chemical stable components for dialysis devices. Also, endoscopic surgery equipment is made from fluoropolymers. This ensures proper resistance to the sterilization process. Furthermore, in emerging regions such as BRIC states, cooking devices such as rice cookers, frying pans and bakeware use non-stick coatings, driving demand for fluoropolymers in this area too.

In conclusion, fluoropolymers have established themselves in many applications and will be a major material enabler for the megatrend challenges ahead of us.

I published also are more general fluoropolymer post which you can check out here.

Thanks for reading & till next time!

Herwig Juster

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[1] Kunststoffe International 10/2016

Sunday 27 October 2019

My Material Insights From The K Fair 2019

In the past two weeks in October the famous K Fair, the world’s number 1 fair for plastics and rubber took place in Düsseldorf, Germany.
I visited the K fair too and in this blog post I highlight the new material developments and launches of the major plastic manufacturers including new compounds as well.

Let’s start in alphabetic order:

Akro Plastic:
Akro Plastic presented new PPA compounds based on homopolymer 9T (Akromid T9). This 9T based PPA has lower water absorption in comparison with PA 6T.
Furthermore, it shows a better flowability and faster crystallization. In addition, they presented with Akromid B28 LGF40 a long glass fiber product which chemically couples PA6 and PP to a blend which enables better flow compared to pure PA 6. It has a higher conditioned strength compared to PA 6 glass fiber 50% compound.

BASF highlighted aside of electrification of automotive industry also the fuel cell powertrain as a future mobility concept. They showed a media distribution system which was a joint project with Joma-Polytec GmbH and Mercedes-Benz Fuel Cell GmbH. BASF developed two tailor-made PA 6.6, i.e. Ultramid® A3WG10 CR and A3EG7 EQ. These grades are used now to make anode- and cathode-end plates in the fuel cell stack. Here, the purity of the material is extremely important, especially in the media distribution plate and water separator unit, where materials are exposed to cooling water, air and hydrogen.
Apart of fuel cells, BASF showed their advances in the so-called ChemCycling project, which aims at utilizing the pyrolysis oil obtained from mixed plastic waste for new polymer generation. As a result, they have now Ultramid® B3WG6 Cycled Black 00564. The latter can be used for front-end carriers in automotive.

Borealis introduced their new plastics recycling technology called Borcycle. The major grade named Borcycle MF1981SY, filled with 10% talc, contains more than 80% recycled polyolefins. Visible appliance applications are in the focus of use for this material. Borcycle claims to fulfill the stiffness and impact requirements needed in such applications.

DSM launched bio-based grades of their Arnitel® thermoplastic copolyester (TPC) and Stanyl® PA 4.6, which use 25-42% bio-based feedstock. Bio-based Stanyl® grades have already the globally recognized sustainability certification ISCC Plus.
Furthermore, DSM offers now Akulon RePurposed PA. This polyamide contains recycled nylon-based fish nets.

DuPont presented their Zytel long chain nylon 6.12 for blow moulded cooling pipes. It is a technology that can be transferred to electric cars and gains traction there.

EMS Chemie:
EMS presented their new grades of Grilamid TR: XE 11248 and FE 11292. These are both transparent high-performance polyamides especially developed for the medical application market. Grilamid TR XE 11248 has high flexural strength and improved alcohol resistance. Grilamid TR FE 11292 can be sterilized with steam over hundreds of cycles and can be used in combination with silicon (LSR).
Further highlight was the use of Grivory G5V and Grivory HT6 for advanced metal replacement. Grivory HT6 shows a 50% higher stiffness at 140°C compared to standard PPA.

Evonik increases their Vestamid® PA 12 capacity by over 50% between 2019 and 2021, which shows the commitment to capture more market, especially in the automotive tubing market.

Lanxess communicated that it is collaborating with artificial intelligence company Citrine Information to apply AI in the development of customized plastics. They see glass fiber sizing customization a way to cut down the time to market. For high voltage connectors in electric vehicles, Lanxess offers now UL yellow card certified orange (RAL 2003) PA and PBT compounds.

Polyplastics presented their new Durafide® PPS grade entitled 6150T73 which has outstanding heat shock resistance and high mouldability. This grade addresses the need of having resins which can be used for overmoulding metal parts in automotive power control units (mainly electric cars) and withstand harsh automotive environments (-40°C/ +150°C). Furthermore, they introduced WW-09, which is a new Duracom® POM grade. It combines high strength with good creep and sliding properties.

Sabic unveiled their Lexan® polycarbonate based on certified renewable feedstock. PC is part of their Trucircle circular solution and allows customers to reduce CO2 emissions.

Solvay launched a new high Tg PEEK called Ketaspire® PEEK XT. Solvay belongs to the group of material suppliers bringing a new polymer to the market place. It has exceptional chemical resistance with a 20°C higher glass transition temperature compared to standard PEEK. There are already polyketones which have a similar high Tg, however their chemical resistance is lower than the Ketaspire® XT. The XT portfolio covers neat resins (XT-920), glass fiber reinforced compounds (XT-920 GF30), and carbon-fiber reinforced compounds (XT-920 CF30).
Additionally, Solvay launched a PPA-based unidirectional (UD) thermoplastic carbon fiber-based tape to accelerate thermoplastic composite developments in automotive industry.
Their third launch was the new long glass fiber portfolio called Xencor™, which covers PA 6.6., HPPA, PPA, PARA, and PPS long glass fiber products. Xencor™ polyarylamide PARA was selected by Monaco-based Stajvelo to make an all-polymer electric bike. The material fulfills the high structural, mechanical, and aesthetic requirements.

Victrex presented their Victrex HPG™ Gear solutions for powertrain applications. These have good NVH and durability performance. In addition, they announced that their manufacturing facility in Grantsburg, USA, received the IATF 16949 certification. This certification proves that all capabilities are in line with Tier-1 and OEM needs.

What were your experiences on the K fair?

Thanks for reading & till next time!

Herwig Juster

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Monday 7 October 2019

Polymer Chemistry meets A.I. – Finding and Developing New Polymers with Target Properties in the 21st Century

The thermal conductivity of polymers is a key material property concerning applications such as vehicles electrification (e.g. traction motors and battery modules), communication devices as well as electronics. For instances, implementing a 5G communication standard requires antennas and associated parts being able to sink heat.

While making my research in this context, I came across a publication of Mr. Wu and his team from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. In their Nature publication entitled “Machine-learning-assisted discovery of polymers with high thermal conductivity using a molecular design algorithm”, they report on the use of big data analytics for the purpose of discovering new compounds and polymers. Their research targeted, in particular, the finding of a higher thermal conductivity Polyimide (PI). PI is often used in communication and sensor devices. For this, machine learning was applied, i.e. computers were allowed to learn from a given data set. In a first step, training of the algorithm is done in the given database. In a next step the trained application looks into a real world database containing several thousand of polymers to find PI and/or other compounds and/or combinations thereof which can fulfill the target requirements. Identification of more than thousand “virtual” polymers could be achieved by applying this methodology. In a next step, the three most promising polymers were selected out of the big pool with the underlying boundary condition of easy synthesis and processing. In the end, all suggested polymers were polyamides: a wholly aromatic polyamide (Figure 1a), an aromatic polyhydrazide (Figure 1b), and an aliphatic–aromatic polyamide (Figure 1c).

Figure 1: Resulting polymers of the molecular design study using machine learning and AI [2].

The suggested polymers were synthesized, cast into films and their thermal conductivities were tested. Commercial PI polymer such as Kapton® (PMDA/ODA*), UPILEX-S (BPDA/p-PDA*1) and UPILEX-R (BPDA/ODA*2) were similarly tested as well. The newly suggested polymers exhibited thermal conductivities up to 0.41 W/mK, 2x higher than their commercial PI counterparts whose thermal conductivities ranged from 0.19 to 0.21 W/mK. Previously, these values have only been reached by adding fillers such as boron nitrides to commercial PI’s.

Mr. Wu has shown that the use of machine learning and AI combined and big data analytics can be a very efficient and effective tool for materials design. Polymer chemists and data science work together hand in hand expanding the landscape of how to carry out research in the 21st century.

Thank you for reading!
Best regards,
Herwig Juster

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[2] S. Wu et al.: Machine-learning-assisted discovery of polymers with high thermal conductivity using a molecular design algorithm (
* pyromellitic dianhydride and 4,4 –oxydianiline
*1 3, 3, 4, 4 -biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride and p-phenylenediamine
*2 3, 3, 4, 4 -biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride and 4,4 –oxydianiline

Sunday 29 September 2019

Material Selection Considerations for Electric Vehicles (EV’s) - Thermal Management Systems

In this post, we will have a closer look at the key considerations for thermal management systems used in electric and hybrid cars. This can support an optimal selection of plastic materials.
Traditionally, in internal combustion engine cars a powertrain thermal management and a passenger cabin thermal management system are present. Here, it well understood which type of plastic materials can be used depending on the application requirements.

In EV’s, thermal management systems support additional systems such as:
• Lithium battery: Thermal management systems need to ensure operating temperatures of 40-45°C to maximize battery service life. Composing parts need to retain material properties after 6.000-10.000 hours to ensure safe handling. Thus, precise control of temperature deltas is crucial.
• Traction motor: Thermal management systems need to ensure operating temperature of coils up to 190°C to allow high torque at small size.
• Power electronics: For high power electronic controllers, liquid cooled systems are favored and plastic materials used in housing need to have a thermal conductive role.
• Hybrid EVs: Downsizing of the combustion engine leads to local hot spots, which thermal management systems need to be able to handle.

What are the market trends and emerging needs?

For internal combustion engines increased temperatures due to downsizing of engines are expected. Simultaneously, more and more turbocharging systems need to be used to compensate the missing engine performance. EV’s have a system temperature ranging from 70°C to 80°C. The latter makes polyolefins accessible for thermal management applications.
Furthermore, in battery EV’s an increased aging exposure to water glycol coolant from 3.000 up to 6.000 till 10.000 hours is expected. Thermal management systems need to be active during charging time as well as when the surrounding temperatures are extremely low. Also, when the EV is not operating, temperature is monitored and in case extreme temperatures are reached, thermal management systems have to be activated too.
All this leads to ongoing discussions at the OEM and Tier-1 level on the requirements, which can be summarized as follows:
1) Coolant fluid temperature: ranging from 80°C to 110°C
2) System pressures: can reach up to 3 bar
3) Increased lifetime: up to 10.000 hours
4) Use of dielectric conductive coolant fluids

New design challenges

As mentioned in the beginning, having additional systems such as the battery, traction motor and power electronics for monitoring tasks require higher complexity thermostat valves which need to fulfill a more precise control. Temperature deltas between one battery module and the next module can be as stringent as 1°C.
Since available space for battery module placement is limited, the design of thermal management systems must be compact. Long operation times (during driving, charging and parking) and chemical resistance of water glycol coolant fluids represent another design challenge. One of the most critical challenges is the material strength which includes the weldline strength, especially after long term aging exposure.
Weldlines represent always the weak point of the plastic application, since the connection is weakened due to random orientation of glass fibers in the connection area. In addition, weldline strength is further weakened by water glycol aging. Since we will be dealing with more complex parts, weldlines are unavoidable and need to be taken care of.

Can all this be handled by plastics? - Yes, but only with the proper material selection

Let us summarize the key considerations for our material selection and give suitable polymer examples:
1. Aging temperature: 120-150°C: Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS); 120-135°C: Polyphthalamide (PPA)
2. Aging time: 1.000 – 3.000 hours: PPS and PPA; > 6.000 hours: PPS or PPA based on required temperature.
3. Increased chemical degradation due to different coolants: PPS has best in class chemical resistance.
4. Dimensional stability for sealing tasks: PPS and PPA.
5. Secondary operations such as laser welding: PPA has good laser welding capabilities.
PPS and PPA show promising mechanical behavior even when exposed to high temperatures, water-glycol coolant and long aging time.
Figure 1 shows mechanical data of PPS after exposure to water-glycol coolant (Ryton® R-4-220BL, Solvay). Figure 2 shows the mechanical data of a suitable PPA for water-glycol applications (Amodel® A-1933 HSL, Solvay).

Figure 1: Mechanical data of PPS after exposure to water-glycol coolant (Ryton® R-4-220BL, Solvay).

Figure 2: Mechanical data of a suitable PPA for water-glycol applications (Amodel® A-1933 HSL, Solvay).

PPS and PPA: not all grades are equal

PPS has unbeatable chemical performance due to the benzene sulfide group in the backbone. When exposed to water-glycol coolant, the PPS polymer matrix can withstand long aging times. However, attention needs to be payed to the glass fiber sizing. The same applies to PPA grades as well.
Interfacial adhesion of the polymer to the glass fiber is achieved over the sizing which is coated onto the glass fiber. Standard glass fiber sizings are cleaved when exposed to glycol and thus the mechanical values drop. Therefore, special sizings are used when the final compound is exposed to glycol. When your application is exposed to coolants, using of glycol resistant glass fillers is a must. The compounds shown in Figure 1 and 2 use such glycol resistant glass fiber fillers.
Material recommendations
Table 1 shows a recommendation concerning material selection for EV’s thermal management system based on existing data.

Table 1: Comparison of PPS and PPA for EV thermal management systems
Comparison PPA and PPS for thermal management systems

Overarching, high performance and engineering plastics will find more and more applications in EV thermal management systems.
If you would like support in the material selection of thermal management systems (from polymer to supplier) for ICE and/or EV feel free to get in contact with me. We can discuss your project.

Thanks for reading & till next time!

Herwig Juster

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Thursday 19 September 2019

Plastics Part Design: Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE) of 136 Polymers

Topic of this blog post is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (CLTE).
CLTE is often presented with the letter “α” and is calculated using the following equation:

α = ΔL / (L0 * ΔT).

L0 is the length of the part at room temperature; ΔL is the length variation of the specimen when it is heated up, and ΔT is the temperature difference between start and end. More details can be found in the standard ASTM D696.

Polymers in applications such as bus bars, which are used in traction motors, battery modules and power electronics, need to pass thermal shock tests. In such tests, metal bars are overmoulded. Thermal cycles between -40°C (1 hour) and +150°C (1 hour) of the overmoulded bars are done. The cycles are counted until cracking of the polymer layer occurs. The similar the CTLE value of both materials and the better the elongation at break of the overmoulded polymer are, the easier the selected material will pass such tests.

In the table below you can find the maximum CLTE of 136 polymers. Furthermore, I added a factor which shows how similar the polymer is to copper in terms of thermal expansion. This is useful for overmoulding of copper elements.

You can add this table to your part design library. Here, you can find some more part design related data: continuous use temperature and thermal conductivity.

Thanks for reading & till next time!
Herwig Juster


Monday 19 August 2019

Reviewing Key Engineering Plastics – Polycarbonate [incl. Video]

Hello and welcome to this post on reviewing key engineering plastics. Today, we have a closer look at polycarbonate (PC).
Similarly to the last review on the aliphatic polyamides PA 6 and PA 6.6, we review the chemistry including the simplified petrochemical flowchart, discuss the properties and applications of polycarbonate and look at their global demand and producers.
Here you can find the youtube video of the review:

Before we start with the chemistry I would like to uncover the history of polycarbonate. In 1953, Mr. Fox from GE Plastics prepared the first sample of polycarbonate in his lab. At the same time, Mr. Schnell from Bayer AG discovered polycarbonate too. A patent fight between the two inventors started. This could luckily be settled, which allowed the start of the high volume production of polycarbonate.

General properties and chemistry
Polycarbonate is an amorphous polymer with a glass transition of 147°C and a melting temperature of 160°C. It is transparent and has a density of 1.2 g/cm3.

There are two processes to obtain polycarbonate:
1. Phase transfer process
2. Melt process route

The phase transfer process involves an interfacial polycondensation between phosgene (COCl2) and bisphenol A (BPA) in an organic solvent. It is a batch process suitable for specialty polycarbonate grades.
The melt process has been developed as an alternative to the utilization of phosgene due to environmental concerns. It consists of melt transesterification of BPA and diphenyl carbonate (DPC). DPC is obtained from dimethyl carbonate and phenol or directly over carbonylation of phenol. In a next step, DPC reacts with BPA to form polycarbonate precursors. With the precursors at hand, polycondensation takes place to obtain high molecular weight polycarbonate.
The melt process has been developed as an alternative to the utilization of phosgene due to environmental concerns. It consists of melt transesterification of BPA and diphenyl carbonate (DPC). DPC is obtained from dimethyl carbonate and phenol or directly over carbonylation of phenol. In a next step, DPC reacts with BPA to form polycarbonate precursors. With the precursors at hand, polycondensation takes place to obtain high molecular weight polycarbonate.

Simplified flow chart: Where does PC has its chemical roots?
As already mentioned, bisphenol A (BPA) is a major building block for PC. The simplified chemical flow chart helps us understand how BPA is produced. BPA production needs phenol which is obtained by the so called cumene process. Benzene and propylene are required in the cumene process too. In detail, benzene is alkylated with propylene which results in cumene. In a next step cumene is oxidized to obtain phenol and acetone. Acid catalyzed condensation of phenol and acetone leads to BPA. In a next step, BPA reacts with diphenyl carbonate to form polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate properties
Impact resistance, ductility, clarity, and dimensional stability are the major advantage properties of PC which makes it an excellent engineering plastic. Furthermore, PC has inherent flame resistance, good electrical properties and can be used at elevated temperatures up to 120-140°C. PC has a poor solvent resistance, limited hydrolytic stability and notch sensitivity. This needs be taken into account during your material selection.

PC global demand
In 2016, global PC demand was 4 million tons. The electrical and electronics markets make up for 27% of the total PC consumption. Next in line for PC consumption are the construction and the automotive markets, respectively. Geographically, one can state that Asia is the largest market for PC with 59% of its global consumption.

PC Price to performance
Polycarbonates form the base of amorphous engineering thermoplastics with a price of ca. 2.5 €/kg for base grades. High heat modified grades cost in the range of 3 to 3.6 €/kg.

PC end uses
PC covers a wide range of applications in different markets:
- Electronic components: good electrical insulator; heat-resistant and flame-retardant properties
- Construction materials: domelights, flat or curved glazing, and sound walls
- Data storage: Compact Discs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs.
- Transportation (Automotive, aircraft, railway, and security components): headlamp lenses, decorative bezels and optical reflectors
- Medical applications: complies with both ISO 10993-1 and USP Class VI standards
- Smartphones: cases, battery covers.

A new application field is battery cage housings and battery management systems components in electrical vehicles, including hybrid electrical cars.

A famous application was the use of Lexan® PC for the helmet visor of the Apollo moon mission 50 years ago.
I wrote a separate post on this topic which you can find here.

This was the review on polycarbonate, a versatile amorphous engineering thermoplastic used in many applications.

Thanks for reading & till next time!

Herwig Juster

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Wednesday 31 July 2019

Second Wave of Digitalization: From Plastics Machine Manufacturer to Platform Provider?

Second Wave of Digitalization

Thinking back to the last K-Show held in 2016 in Düsseldorf, Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) were all over the booths. This year at the K-Show we will see a lot about topics such as sustainability, circular economy, and recycling.

However, how did the Industry 4.0 story continue?

In the past three years, machine and equipment manufacturers, tool makers and plastic convertors connected their devices and started collecting data while making their products. This data allowed them to gain insights into their operations and make them more profitable. A major step stone was the introduction of Euromap 77 in 2018. This allowed data exchange between plastics converting machines e.g. injection moulding machines and manufacturing execution systems (MES). In this way, Euromap 77 enables a standardized way of connecting the entire production chain. Altogether, this first wave can be summarized under the term “efficiency innovation”. This was mainly driven to streamline internal processes and obtain cost reductions.

How does digitalization follow up?

Starting last year already, the second wave of digitalization [2] has arrived in Europe. In this second wave, investors focus on three main topics:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2. Platform based business models („platform economies“)
3. Mobility solutions

Artificial intelligence is the main game changer and impacts major traditional sectors such as banks and funds management. Adapting and changing your operations is major key to remain in business. For example, the most successful hedge funds managers, Ray Dalio with his Bridgewater Associates and Jim Simons with Renaissance Technologies have used sophisticated algorithms since the founding of their businesses. Now, the utilization of AI has enabled them to reach new levels of profitability.

Platform-based business models where profit is made by matching customers and producers belong to the most successful business models in the New Economy. There are several platform companies which are close or have already a stock valuation of 1 trillion USD. Microsoft (1.08 trillion Dollar) is the most valuable platform business followed by Amazon (961 billion Dollar), Apple (956 billion Dollar) and Alphabet (865 billion Dollar) [5].

Especially the third point “mobility solutions” is pushed by companies such as Amazon, which clearly places effort on having more vertical integration operations. For example, Amazon invested in the startup FlexPort to optimize its logistics so that the end consumer can be reached faster [3].

How is the plastics industry reacting to these three major drivers?

Plastic Industry 4.0 was and is all about making the use of things more efficient following the moto “faster, better, and cheaper.”
Apart of the efficiency steps, we see now first steps toward platform business models. For instances, the plastics machine manufacturer company, KraussMaffei, based in Munich set up his own market platform to tap into the material manufacturer pond. The platform is called “Polymore”. It represents a B2B marketplace to support sustainability in the plastics industry. It focuses mainly on compounds, recyclates and post-industrial waste, which serves plastic processors as well compounders. It will be launched at the K-Show in October later this year [1]. Although KraussMaffei is not producing resins or compounds, it can link polymer manufacturers and plastics convertors together and profit of the exchange. A similar platform is made by the company Matmatch (also Munich-based) which named its platform [4].

My interim conclusion

Plastics converting companies did not show exponential growth rates either, since fundamentally there was no change in their business models. Time will tell us, how the KraussMaffei approach will shake up the plastics industry. Creating a marketplace which not only offers materials, but also more and more plastics machinery, moulds and services combined with smart logistics and AI for sure hits the trend of second digitalization wave. With such platforms, companies gain access to customers and can leverage material capacities of other companies without having to own them. Market trends can be faster anticipated and customers better served. Traditional companies all along the plastics supply chain need now to re-think their business models.

Thanks for reading!

Till next time!

Best regards,
Herwig Juster

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Saturday 20 July 2019

Take Me To The Moon – Celebrating 50 Years Moon Landing With High Performance Polymers

On July 20 1969, 50 years ago, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched ground on the moon. By Neil Armstrong: “That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”
The Apollo 11 crew was well equipped with latest technology. This included two high performance polymers constituting their helmet visors: polycarbonate (PC) and polysulfone (PSU).

Why were polycarbonate and polysulfone used for the helmet visors?

Polycarbonate as protective helmet visor:

Polycarbonate can be regarded as the benchmark for all existing impact resistant plastics. It got its name from the containing carbonate groups (−O−(C=O)−O−) in its backbone. These promote temperature and high impact resistance as well as an amorphous macromolecular structure which leads to excellent optical properties. High energy is needed to tear its chains apart. For these reasons, an ultraviolet-stabilized polycarbonate visor was used for protecting the heads of astronauts against impact and micrometeoroids. The protective visor could be moved independently of the sun protection visor. Back then, the Apollo mission used the newly developed polycarbonate Lexan® from GE Plastics [1].

Polysulfone as sun protection helmet visor:

Commercialized in 1965 by Union Carbide, Udel® Polysulfone (PSU) was right in time to be used as the external helmet visor. Polysulfone has a high service temperature (Tg = 190°C) in combination with reduced creep and dimensional stability. Among non-reinforced thermoplastics, polysulfone affords top high-temperature creep resistance. Another superior property of this plastic is that it retains its transparency after prolonged exposure to temperatures up to 200°C. This high temperature resistance property is to great extent imparted by the contained diphenyl sulfone groups. These characteristics made polysulfone suitable to be used as the sun protection visor (outer visor) in astronauts’ helmets [2,3], which main function was to protect the astronaut from sun exposure and high temperatures. For this, the inner surface of the polysulfone-based visor was also coated with gold for extended sun visor protection capabilities. The gold coating supported the protection against generated heat inside the helmet as well.

Thank you for reading this recap history!



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Sunday 30 June 2019

High Performance Polymers in Electrification: A Must-Have Or A Nice-To-Have (Part 3: Autonomous Driving)

Welcome back to the third part of the high performance plastics for electrification series. In the previous parts, we have discussed the polymeric materials used in battery systems and traction motors. Now, we a look at the high performance plastics used for autonomous driving applications.

Autonomous driving
  • Connectors
Connectors need to be reliable while driving (manual and autonomous driving mode) as well as when the OEM is assembling the different parts of the car in the manufacturing line. Therefore, connectors need to fulfil different requirements:
  • JEDEC MSL1 level of shelf life (=infinite);
  • no corrosion (especially pins; plastic parts need to be free of halogens, red phosphor, and ionic heat stabilizers);
  • continuous use temperatures of 140°C-180°C;
  • high chemical resistance;
  • high electric strength;
  • and CTI of 600 Volts (PLC0).

Connectors need to have a high ductility level too. Easy identification of high voltage connectors, insulators, and circuit breakers is achieved by coloring polymers in orange (color coding compulsory above 60 V). Polymers such as polyphthalamide (PPA) with a Tg of 120°C and above (Tg of 140 up to 180°C are possible) can handle the requirements listed above offering high mechanical strength with low moisture uptake, similarly to polyesters. Apart of aliphatic polyamides and polyesters, semi-aromatic polyamides such as PPA and polyarylamide (PARA) can be obtained in a non-halogenated flame retardant compound. Advantages of PARA are the high stiffness, excellent low creep, low moisture uptake and impact properties.

  • Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Radio Detection and Ranging (Radar) sensors
High performance plastics play an important role in connectors on the one hand as well as in sensors for autonomous driving on the other. An aliphatic polyamide absorbs water and moisture. This absorption is linked to a dimensional and mechanical change. LiDAR and radar housings need to be dimensional stable since their job is to scan the environment and create an accurate picture of the surrounding. Therefore, using polymers such as polycarbonate (PC), polyethersulfones (PESU), and polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) ensure the high dimensional stability combined with nearly no moisture uptake. Those polymers ensure safe communication of the different sensors over the life time of the vehicle.
  • Battery temperature sensors
Minimal temperature changes (+/- 1 °C) in the Li-ion batteries can impact their loading efficiency. Therefore, accurate management of the temperature by sensors is essential for keeping the batteries at their highest effectiveness level. For this type of sensors, polyethersulfones are best suited since their Tg is around 220°C and they show excellent dimensional stability. Furthermore, this stability is needed for keeping the sealing performance of the sensor’s O-ring seals.
  • 5G communication sensors
With the arrival of 5G mobile technology, our cars will be able to communicate with each other and the environment. Requirements for 5G related applications are mainly high speed data transmission, infrared transmission, retention of environmental influences and dimensional stability. Polymers such as polyether imides (PEI) and polysulfones are suitable to fulfill these requirements since their amorphous structure allows for tight tolerances and low CLTE, creep resistance and good IR transmission.
  • Outlook
In next steps, automotive exterior designers start to seamlessly integrate LED lighting systems with infrared transparency for LiDAR sensor systems [1]. In such application concepts, polycarbonates can play an important role. The integration of LiDAR systems into the car bumper will lead to another challenge: having clean lenses. This may be ensured by using fluorinated coatings which are based on fluoropolymer chemistry (e.g.  perfluoropolyether - PFPE).
  • Wrap-up
Electrification brings a whole mix of performance plastics in several applications. I have listed the material requirements and applications we discussed in this post including the previous two parts in two tables, which can serve as guidance through selecting the optimal polymer for your application.

Electrification application matrix for supporting polymer material selection

Material requirements of high voltage components in electric vehicles

Thank you for reading this third part of the electrification blog series! If you enjoyed it please do like and share it with your network.
Till next time!
best regards,
Herwig Juster
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